Publisher’s wife again . . .

Following up on our biting commentary and lid-blowing reportage on the publisher’s wife Jennifer as O’Bama sycophant disguised as Sun-Times reporter — old news, said two readers, one-two — we have this from [Wall St.] Opinion Journal:

Her 7/16 story, “GOP lawyer sold on Dems,” tells of a “staunch Republican” who is “not only going to vote Democratic, [but is] going to financially support the Democrats” in 2008, having found Republicans “an embarrassment.”

But since 2000, staunch as he is, this guy has given $6,750 to Democrats, but only $750 to Republicans, OJ’s James Taranto reports, “and his most recent GOP donation was three elections ago.”

Now isn’t that something a publisher’s wife would have looked up, or did she never learn fact-checking at Chicago’s City News Bureau, where legendarily not even one’s mother was above suspicion? 

Jennifer got suckered, as did those who assume she knows what she’s talking about.  Do hubbies fire wives, even if they hire them?

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