Have you see this man?

Sun-Times draws a picture:

Story Image
Police released this sketch of the suspect who fatally shoved a 68-year-old church deacon down the stairs at the Fullerton L stop. The offender is described as black, between 17 and 25 years old, 5-foot-11 to 6-foot-4 and 170 to 220 pounds. He was wearing jeans, a black hat and black jacket with vertical writing or graphics down the center

What’s noteworthy is the racial identification, which news accounts of fugitives have not always supplied.

You damn inappropriate person, you . . .

The chief is madder than hell and won’t stand for it any more:

Acting Chicago Police Supt. Terry Hillard said the actions of two officers accused of sexually assaulting a North Side woman in a police car were inappropriate and cant be justified.

That hurts.

In his defense, he also said he felt “extreme outrage and disappointment.”

Anyhow, it’s how you talk from such a position.

Why should libs have all the social justice fun?

Image representing Google News as depicted in ...
Led me to this

It’s time for free-marketers to hijack social justice, currently occupied as inevitable high ground for libs or progressives or whatever they are calling themselves lately.

This list, for instance, today’s Google news findings, has just one out of ten illiberal items on p-1, from KPBS Public Broadcasting (!), San Diego, asking, Can A Libertarian Be An Advocate For Social Justice?

That’s an interview with the founder-proprietor of — just what I was looking for — the “Bleeding Heart Libertarians” blog. He’s Matt Zwolinski, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of San Diego.

More later, I hope, about this site, to which Google sent me, let’s face it, by way of a public-radio station!

Sister sez: God ain’t who you think he (she?) is

A knock-down-drag-out between bishops and theologian, so what else is new?

[The bishops’] statement faults [Sister Elizabeth] Johnson for treating language about God in the Bible and in church tradition as largely metaphorical, implying that truth about God is essentially unknowable.


Sister Johnson

Even if mysteries such as the Trinity and the Incarnation can never be fully grasped, the statement says, they can nevertheless be known. 

While Johnson bases part of her argument on early church fathers, according to the statement, her position actually has more in common with Immanuel Kant and Enlightenment skepticism.

It’s called ecclesiastical pushing the envelope. Keeps us on our toes.

Cut nose, spite face of needy

Poor people
Buddy, if you have a dime, can you spare it?

This be preferential option for the poor?

President Barack Obama’s FY 2012 budget proposal would harm charitable organizations by raising the tax rate on upper-income individuals and families and reducing their income tax deduction for charitable donations.

These two changes in the tax code would discourage charitable donations and leave the most generous donors with less money to donate.

Predictably, they would shift resources from private nonprofit charitable organizations to the federal government, which is consistently less effective and efficient in caring for the needy.

Do you care about poor people or don’t you? That is the question.

OR: Do you love gummint more? (And while you’re at it, love penalizing wealth?)