The Proclamations of Cardinal Cupich: Preservation is Bad

As for capital punishment and changing the official catechism, from Cardinal
Cupich of Chicago, a defense of Francis in such matters, announced before the cap punishment move:

“We are not a Church of preservation, but rather a Church of proclamation.”

Deposit of faith? If it fits with this proclamation motif, fine. If not? Depends.

via The Bellarmine Forum

Pope Francis Has Exceeded His Authority on Death Penalty

He’s a messenger not a legislator?

All he is entitled to do is pass along and explain the Divine Revelation that ended with the death of St. John the Apostle, and clarify points of natural law.

He’s like the FedEx guy. He didn’t pack the Deposit of Faith and he’s not allowed to tamper with it.

That doesn’t seem his position, however.

via Pope Francis Has Exceeded His Authority on Death Penalty

Worried Catholic: If something is in the Catechism, do I have to believe it even though it is different from what the Catechism taught before?

Has Francis put his thumb on the scale?

At the very least Francis seems to have cut the legs out from under the authority of the Catechism, if not the Catholic Faith, by introducing something into that Catechism which seems to contradict the Church’s perennial teaching.

Has he messed with the catechism? Does the church have doctrinal precedent or just preferences by the one in charge?

Those who agree with him seem to have caught a break here, but was it by way of dirty pool?

via  Fr. Z’s Blog