Victoria Toensing Slams Sessions-appointed John Huber’s ‘Sham,’ ‘Potemkin Investigation’ of Obama-era corruption

And thinks it’s time Sessions got a new job somewhere.

[Outspoken DC lawyer] Toensing said it would take “new leadership,” because Jeff Sessions is a nice man, but clearly not fit for the job.

“He’s a southern gentleman. He doesn’t know how to kill at all,” she explained.

After show host Lou Dobbs said Republicans are weak and helpless in the face of corruption.

Southern gentleman part fits.

via Victoria Toensing Slams John Huber’s ‘Sham,’ ‘Potemkin Investigation’

Standby villain clericalism revisited. To be solved by bringing laity in on the act?

Ain’t necessarily so, says reader, longtime expert observer of the Chicago church:

Hopefully every diocese that will rely heavily on lay oversight will scrutinize those they choose.

Lay business managers in several Chicago parishes (and St. Joseph Seminary) stole hundreds of thousands under the nose of the priests.

Also we can’t have lay foxes watching the bishop-foxes, a.k.a. cronies and sycophants. Hard-nosed proven stalwarts are needed.

Sure, and do not bet the house on these stalwarts’ being brought into the situation. No sir.