Brazil Bishop Goes Pagan –

Multiculturalism gone wild.

Bishop Sérgio Colombo, 64, of Bragança Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, participated in a pagan ritual outside he Bom Jesus church in Vila Bela (January 13).

The performance was organized by the diocesan council for “ecumenism.”

[Bishop] Colombo practiced so called Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion related to Voodo. At the performance with roses and doves (pictured) demons called Orixás are invoked.

One of those demons made him do it? (Sorry)

Another snarky aside:

Apart from traditional paganism, Bishop Colombo hates Tradition. In 2012, he expelled an Old Rite male Carmelite community from his diocese.

Tut, tut. All in a day’s work, apparently.

Challenging pope on multiple fronts, Bannon wants to train gladiators

Francis and Trump, peas in a pod  (As to style and unconventionality — not, obviously, in goals and positions taken.)

Finally, Bannon said he’s long been struck by a certain similarity between his former boss, Trump, and the pontiff.

“He and Trump are at the same level,” Bannon said. “He breaks news every day, and he’s also very sophisticated. He knows exactly how to drop the headline. They’re very similar … they’re honey-badgers.”

Francis, Bannon said, “is a fighter, and I have a lot of admiration for a lot of things.”

I blogged about this two years ago and three-plus years ago.

Study finds crony capitalists believe markets in America are already too free | Acton PowerBlog

Surprise: The more they profit from gummint help, the more they think it’s a good thing.

As the study notes, “This suggests that the effects of favoritism on cultural understandings grows stronger the more dependent one’s firm is on favoritism.”

An implication of this study is that being the recipient of government favoritism makes business leaders more inclined to embrace other statist cultural understandings. Cronyism, it seems, may be a gateway drug to nationalism, socialism, and pro-statist/anti-freedom positions.

So don’t be surprised when a giant of finance speaks up for the nanny state. “Gateway drug.” I like that. Consider Europe while you’re at it.